Wednesday, July 08, 2015

RV Maintenance Tips & Tricks

When it comes to maintaining your RV, there are a number of things you can do to ensure you keep it in great condition throughout the years.

Firstly, it is important to maintain your RV’s roof. Roofs are constantly vulnerable to sun and environmental damage – a lot of which can go unnoticed. In order to avoid leaving your RV exposed to the elements, ensure you are you are storing your vehicle underneath a RV cover or carport.

Secondly, it is paramount that you run your generator. Gasoline begins to break down after 30 days, which can damage your generator’s internal components.  Therefore it is highly recommended that you run your generator once a month for a couple of hours. This will prevent your carburetor rusting and any further damage to your generator.

Additionally, it is important to maintain and
check the seals on your RV. Seals naturally degrade over time and others can often be faulty. When these seals break down, moisture seeps into your RV creating surface damage and encouraging the growth of mold. Checking the seals every few months and being alert for any cracks, missing pieces or water stains and replacing any faulty or degraded seals will make sure your RV is protected from water damage.

Furthermore, when you are not using your RV over the summer, is it important to keep your vents open.  When temperatures soar and the inside of your RV heats up, it can cause the premature degradation of materials inside your vehicle and even the toughest materials can break down. Keeping the vents open promotes airflow within your vehicle and keeps the temperature down. It must be noted that exterior vents should still be covered when left open to prevent rainwater and dust from making its way inside, again highlighting the importance of storing your RV in a carport or undercover.

Most importantly, it is highly suggested that you get someone to clean and detail your RV after trips of a week or more. This will ensure the longevity of your RV both internally and externally. As this can be a long and laborious process that requires attention to detail, it is more effective to pay a professional. By visiting, you can book an appointment online and a service provider will conveniently come to you. They provide engine and technological maintenance on top of cleaning and detailing, all services vital to the life of your RV.

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