Monday, June 15, 2015

What a Car Made by Apple Could Mean to the Auto World

Apple products are all about the joy of engineering.  Since that day in the early 80s when Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak set up a phone line that allowed them to make a free phone call to the Vatican, the makers and discoverers and inventors at Apple have been creating usable products that have changed the way the modern world thinks & works.  It is in large part because of Apple that handheld devices can store as much music as a bookshelf full of CDs and can help you find the address and phone number of any place you want to go, no matter where you are.

Think of how the iPhone changed phones, and now imagine how a car made by Apple could change the auto world.  No one loved phones before the iPhone debuted, but people definitely loved their cars.  Cars represent the freedom of the open road, and getting a driver’s license and borrowing your parents’ car for the first time was an important rite of passage for generations of Americans.  Perhaps you enjoy checking and refilling your car’s fluids before a road trip, and you might even know someone who has lovingly restored an old car.  There is probably a make of car that you encourage people to buy, and perhaps an expensive car of your dreams that you will buy if you can ever afford it.

A car designed by Apple will certainly be efficient and elegant.  Its computer system will run smoothly and have few to no glitches.  Although it will be high-tech, it will not rely on gimmicks; it will build on the touch-screen and voice-activated technology that have made other Apple products so successful.  If it is an electric car, it will be the most affordable one yet.

Another trend in Apple’s history is reviving ideas that seemed like lost causes and bringing things back from the brink.  Cars do not occupy the esteemed place in American culture that they once did.  They have gained the reputation as gas guzzlers that pollute the air, deplete the ozone layer, and consume petroleum, a non-renewable resource.  Apple’s engineers are experts at figuring out what are the enduring parts of struggling industries; they do not follow new trends.  A car made by Apple would retain the feature of efficient travel, but it would be easier to drive and park than existing cars.  Its focus would be on simple elegance and efficiency.

This article was brought to you by gAuto!

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